It is all our duty to think deeply about the environmental impact of our businesses and adapt our processes to help protect the future of the planet and its inhabitants.
At ETC, our operations are intrinsically linked to nature via our equine partners and the land at our site in Monmouthshire that supports both them and our work with clients.
Following our recent relocation, we have started to adapt our day-to-day operations to reduce the impact we have on the planet as well as support our surrounding environment. As we move forward and continue to deliver our therapeutic services, we are developing strong links with our new local community wherever possible to ensure we are working in harmony with both land and people.
Of the 17 SDGs, we plan to focus on numbers 3, 12 and 15 as we believe that these are where we can lead by example and make a real positive impact within our communities.

3. Good Health & Wellbeing
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
SDG Goal 3
Equine Facilitated Therapy (EFT) lies at the heart of our operations and is grounded in neuroscience. It is designed to bring about change on a somatic (body and mind) level and there is growing evidence of its transformative impact on the lives of some of society’s most vulnerable. Our EFT sessions have set goals, such as emotional self-regulation, creating healthy boundaries, understanding choices and consequences and self-care. People can better understand themselves by building and exploring a relationship with a horse, allowing them to learn strategies to live healthier lives.
As well as providing Equine Facilitated Therapy serving our clients today, we train the next generation of EFT therapists to bring longevity to our mission to help people heal and live happier and healthier lives. Over time we plan to franchise our approach across the UK to reach a broader demographic of clients.

12. Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG Goal 12
Our herd of therapy horses and 31 acres of farmland at our site in Monmouthshire provides us with the opportunity to farm with minimal impact. As our horses graze on one section of the land, they produce manure which can then be used to fertilize other production activities.
We already recycle as much as we can but will continue to work towards a more circular approach to minimise the need for new resources as much as possible including reusing rainwater wherever feasible.
Following our relocation we have switched to local suppliers within 10 miles wherever possible to minimise transport and hence emissions costs.

15. Life on land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
SDG Goal 15
Our land here in Monmouthshire is richly diverse from grazing land, wooded areas, marshland and even a pond. As well as a multitude of birdlife, we have identified a newt colony and have plans to conduct a wider ecological audit of the site to ensure that we protect all wildlife living with us. We are at the first stages of our journey and will demonstrate how we can help nature’s symbioses by adapting and changing our behaviours and making those adjustments transparent to our local community through updates on our website.